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论坛预告 | WAIC 2024 中国-新加坡-东盟AI论坛将于7月6日在上海世博展览馆举办


论坛名称:WAIC 中国-新加坡-东盟AI论坛


主题:双向出海 相互蝶变






Forum Name: WAIC China-Singapore-ASEAN AI Forum


Topic: AI Metamorphosis for Multilateral Cross Border Collaboration 


Time: 13:00-17:30, July 6, 2024


Address: Conference Room X,Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center


2024年7月6日下午,备受瞩目的 “WAIC中国-新加坡-东盟AI论坛” 将在上海世博展览馆X会议室举行。此次论坛深入探索人工智能在促进多边跨境合作中的变革潜力,重点讨论人工智能如何优化贸易流程、改善沟通方式以及推动跨境创新。同时,论坛将强调在人工智能技术和商业化、治理及监管框架方面制定共同标准的重要性,以确保各方无缝融合、互利共赢。


On the afternoon of July 6, 2024, the WAIC China-Singapore-ASEAN AI Forum will be held in Conference Room X of the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. The forum will explore the transformative potential of AI in promoting multilateral cross-border cooperation, focusing on how AI can streamline trade, improve communication, and foster innovation across borders. The forum will emphasize the importance of shared standards in AI technology and commercialisation and AI governance and regulatory frameworks to ensure seamless integration and mutual benefits.









The forum was hosted by Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) and organized by Shanghai DLG Exhibitions & Events (Group) co.,ltd. The event was co-organized by Chamber of Commerce (SingCham), Tech4SDG Alliance for Asia, Global Fintech Institute (GFI), Edensoft Holdings Limited, as well as the strong support of many ecosystem partners. The forum aims to create a collaborative environment where AI-driven solutions can address regional challenges and drive economic growth, making this a pivotal step towards a more interconnected and technologically advanced future.




Forum Highlights


1.规模扩大 Expansion of Scale 




This year marks the fourth consecutive year the forum is held at WAIC, evolving from the "China-Singapore AI Forum" to the "China-Singapore-ASEAN AI Forum," expanding from bilateral to multilateral exchanges and cooperation. Additionally, the China-Singapore AI Forum has been held for three consecutive years at Singapore SWITCH, demonstrating the international influence and sustainability of the forum.



2.内容深化 Deepening Content 


论坛内容不仅延续了从2021年开始倡导的“全球人工智能向善和人工智能治理”的核心理念,在此基础上更进一步推动了促进“双向出海 相互蝶变”的双向跨境合作模式,积极推动国际间合作与共赢。


The forum's content theme not only continues the core advocacy of "advocating for AI4Good and AI governance" initiated in 2021, but also further evolution toward the content theme of "AI Metamorphosis for Multilateral Cross Border Collaboration”, actively encouraging international collaboration and mutual benefit.



3.赛道拓展 Expanding Theme & Tracks


在原有“AI 治理”赛道的基础上,论坛增设了“AI + 双向出海”、“AI + 金融科技” 、“AI + 创投”等多元化赛道,探索AI技术的多元应用与商业前景。


Building on the existing "AI Governance" track, the forum has introduced diverse new tracks such as "AI + Two-way Overseas Expansion", "AI + FinTech" and "AI + Venture Capital", exploring various applications of AI technology and its commercial potential.


4.新书首发 New Book Launch with Thought Leadership 


论坛将举行 《人本人工智能》新书首发仪式,该书深入探讨了如何在负责任、可持续和合乎道德的原则下发展人工智能,提出了可持续AI的三大支柱:治理、技术和商业化。书中不仅强调了跨学科合作的重要性,还揭示了AI技术的潜力和风险,并提供了实用的指导工具和框架,帮助大家更好地理解和应对AI给人类社会的带来的挑战与机遇。


The forum will host and launch the new book "AI for Humanity: Building a Sustainable AI for the Future”, which delves into developing AI responsibly, sustainably, and ethically. The book outlines three pillars of Sustainable AI: governance, technology, and commercialization. It emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, reveals the potential and risks of AI technology, and provides practical tools and frameworks to better understand and address the challenges and opportunities AI brings to human society.



注:论坛现场,将会抽取5名幸运观众,赠送作者签名的《AI for Humanity: Building a Sustainable AI for the Future》书籍。




Distinguished Speakers







Distinguished Speakers







How to Register




 Limited capacity! First come first serve!






Scan QR code below to register


(or Click [Read More] at the bottom to go to the registration page. )





★ 特别提醒:如需要使用支付宝、Stripe方式支付,请复制下方链接至网页端浏览器中打开进行报名注册


Please note:If you need to use Alipay or Stripe, please copy the link below to open the browser on the web side for registration.




Forum Registration Guide


第一步 Step One


初次登录用户,注册后进入大会主界面,选择 “ 论坛 ” 板块,点击 “ 07月06日 ” 页面,点击  “中国-新加坡-东盟 AI论坛 ” 


For first-time users, enter the WAIC main interface after registration, select the


"Forum" menu, select the "07-06" page, and click on "China-Singapore-ASEAN AI Forum".



第二步 Step Two


已登录用户扫码后直接进入论坛界面,点击 “ 付费预约 ” 按钮


If you have already logged in to the system, scan the QR code to enter the


forum interface and click the "Ticket" button



第三步 Step Three


查看注册须知后,点击 “ 立即注册报名 ” 按钮


After viewing the Notice, click the "Sign up" button



第四步 Step Four


按照页面提示填写个人信息,点击 “下一步 ” 按钮


Fill in the personal information according to the prompts on the page and click the "Next step" button



第五步 Step Five


点击 “ 07月06日 ” 页面,勾选 “ 中国-新加坡-东盟 AI论坛 ” 对应的门票,


然后点击 “ 下一步 ” 按钮


Click the "07-06" page, check the ticket corresponding to the "China-Singapore-ASEAN AI Forum", and click the "Next step" button



第六步 Step Six


在订单页面,点击 “ 下一步 ” 按钮支付费用


On your order page, click the "Next step" button to pay the fee