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活动回顾 | SWITCH x WAIC新中AI论坛:加速东盟中国跨境对话促进AI向善多边合作



On October 28, 2022 9-11am, the Singapore-China AI Forum focusing on AI4Good was held successfully at the B2 Ballroom of Resorts World Convention Centre in Singapore.


The Singapore Week of Technology and Innovation (SWITCH) and the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) continues the strategic collaboration to co-organize  this forum as part of the AI4Good dialogue series. Executive organisers for this forum are DHLS and AIII with Tech4SDG Alliance for Asia and SenseTime as co-organisers. 


The forum, themed "Accelerating Cross-Border Dialogue towards Multilateral AI4Good Initiatives" aims to promote "AI for Good" by strengthening deeper cooperation among AI technology institutions, companies and talents.


2022年10月28日上午,“SWITCH x WAIC新中AI论坛(简称新中AI论坛)”在新加坡名胜世界会议中心B2大宴会厅成功举办。


新中AI论坛由新加坡科技创新周 (SWITCH)和世界人工智能大会(WAIC)联手合作主办,东浩兰生与AIII人工智能国际研究院承办,亚洲科技促进可持续发展目标联盟Tech4SDG和商汤科技协办。以“加速东盟中国跨境对话促进AI向善多边合作”为主题,旨在加强人工智能科技机构和人才之间的更深入合作,促进“AI向善”。



Speaker Group Photo











Ms. Renee Tan, Hashtaqs MD and Founder, Emcee for the Singapore-China AI Forum






We are privileged to have Ms. Renee Tan as Emcee to host this forum,where she introduced the audience to the background and theme of this forum, the organisers, executive organisers and co-organisers. She also take the opportunity to share the contributions of the ecosystem partners.





Dr. James Ong, Founder and MD of AIII





Dr. James Ong delivered the opening speech on “Why We Are Here?”where he shared the core purpose of this forum is to deliver on Impact with AI towards AI4Good.


翁家良博士受邀对新中AI论坛致开幕词 “我们为什么在这里?”,他分享了这次论坛的核心目的是传递AI的影响朝着AI向善方向发展。




He also shared the chronology of critical encounters of how this forum has evolved from 2017 with engagement of AI ecosystems in Singapore and China has evolved into the vision of Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) as an AI Think Tank to advocate “Sustainable AI for Humanity” and resulted in a series of ecosystem dialogue events focusing on AI4Good including this current SWITCH x WAIC Singapore-China AI Forum.


他还分享了从2017年开始参与新加坡和中国的人工智能生态以及演变的历程,成立人工智能国际研究院(AIII)倡导“以人为本的可持续人工智能”人工智能智库的愿景,并促成和组织了一系列以AI4Good为重点的生态系统的对话活动,包括本次的SWITCH x WAIC新中AI论坛。

2.Keynote Speeches





 1.Keynote Speech 主题演讲



Dr. Francesca Rossi,AAAI President,IBM Global AI Ethics Leader,


IBM Fellow,AAAI Fellow,A*STAR AI Fellow


Francesca Rossi博士,AAAI主席,IBM全球AI伦理领袖,





Dr. Francesca Rossi participated in the forum online from New York where she delivered his keynote speech on "AI for Good – a global perspective". 


With her leadership role as AAAI President and IBM Global AI Ethics Leader as well as her extensive work on AI Ethics and AI4Good at the worldwide level, she shared her insights and findings on “AI for Good” with a global perspective.


Francesca Rossi博士在纽约线上参加论坛,并发表“AI向善 – 全球视角”的主题演讲。


她作为AAAI主席和IBM全球AI伦理领袖的领导角色,以及参与全球层面的人工智能伦理和AI4Good方面的广泛工作,她以全球视角分享了她对“AI for Good”的洞察和发现。




She shared a very comprehensive perspective on AI Ethics with a complete ecosystem coverage from Research to AI companies, Standard bodies, Education institutions and Governments. She also addressed the important question of why should any company building or using AI should care about AI ethcis.






She shared a very comprehensive perspective on AI Ethics with a complete ecosystem coverage from Research to AI companies, Standard bodies, Education institutions and Governments. She also addressed the important question of why should any company building or using AI should care about AI ethcis.




 2.Keynote Speech 主题演讲



Prof Gu Qingyang, Chairman of Tech4SDG Alliance, NUS LKY School of Public Policy





Professor Gu Qingyang delivered his keynote speech on "Tech4SDG - Why What and How We Can Make It Happen?".


顾清扬教授发表“亚洲科技促进可持续发展目标联盟 - 为什么、什么以及如何实现”的主题演讲。




Prof Gu shared the vision and why the Tech4SDG Alliance for Asia was initiated under his leadership. He also elaborated on what are the key focus areas of Tech4SDG  and articulated some of the concrete Tech4SDG case studies that are being initiated towards achieving some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals!


For example, Singapore's 10 Million .AI project focuses on SDG4 (Quality Education) and on using technology to promote sustainable development and gender equality in Asia; the SenseTime Intelligent Nursing System brings peace of mind and convenience to ALS patients and their families; over the next decade, the Asia-Pacific metaverse is expected to generate more than $1 trillion in economic output, and every US$1 invested will bring US$3.16 in economic growth, with a return-on-investment ratio of more than three times.






3.Keynote Speech 主题演讲



Prof. David Lee, Chairman of GFI, Professor SUSS





Professor David Lee addressed the audience with a keynote titled "AI Ethics and Convergence of Technology." 





Professor Lee also shared his thought leadership on the topic of governance  where Blockchain4Good and AI4Good are very dear to his heart. He also shared his insights on how AI and Blockchain can reinforce each other for better governance. 


In particular, he provided a very insightful framework that links the governance relationship between Humans, AI and Blockchain and how they could and should govern each other.






 4.Keynote Speech 主题演讲



Dr. Luo Zhen, ParityBit, CEO & Co-Founder


罗震博士,翼方健数 CEO与联合创始人



The topic of "Democratize AI with a Platform and Ecosystem with Privacy-Enhancing Technologies" was delivered by Dr. Luo Zhen during his keynote to the audience.





Dr. Luo Zhen shared his vision of Privacy-Enabled Technologies and how ParityBit has built up a comprehensive platform called Arkshop towards enabling an ecosystem and marketplace of Secure Computing where more organisations can now implement more secure AI solutions with the necessary privacy and security features.


He also welcomed other complementary AI product providers to join the Arkshop platform ecosystem where together, a more complete and comprehensive solution of secure computing can be provided to customers.




他也很欢迎和邀请更多有互补性的人工智能产品加入到Arkshop生态平台, 共同为客户提供更完整、全面的安全计算解决方案。




Ecosystem Progress Announcements






Ecosystem Progress Announcement




WAIC x SWITCH China-Singapore AI Ecosystem Strategic Collaboration





Mr. Woei Yuan Seng, Deputy Director, Enterprise Singapore & SWITCH


岑伟源先生,新加坡企业发展局 & 新加坡科技创新周,副主任



Mr. Woei Yuan Seng shared the announcement of such a strategic breakthrough in Singapore-China AI ecosystem partnership by the two of the largest Tech and AI ecosystem, Singapore Week of Innovations and Technology (SWITCH) and World AI Conference (WAIC). The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the representative parties of Pico-MP and DHLS on September 3, 2022 at the WAIC 2022, witnessed by Enterprise Singapore and AIII.


岑伟源先生分享了新加坡科技创新周(SWITCH)和世界人工智能大会(WAIC)这两个具有全球规模大会在新加坡-中国人工智能生态伙伴关系中取得的战略突破。此战略合作协议此前在2022年9月3日举办的世界人工智能大会新加坡分会场上宣布,在新加坡企业发展局和AIII人工智能国际研究院的见证下, SWITCH代表Pico-MP与WAIC总承办方东浩兰生签署。



He articulated that this will foster more dialogue via events between all the ecosystem stakeholders with the rest of Asia and the world and empower more collaboration towards Tech4Good and AI4Good. He also summarised that the collaboration between SWITCH and WAIC has actually started in 2021 and has successfully collaborated with 4 events, where this is particular Singapore-China AI forum was the fourth event.







Ecosystem Progress Announcement




Tech4SDG Alliance for Asia





Prof Gu Qingyang, Chairman of Tech4SDG Alliance, NUS LKY School of Public Policy





Dr. James Ong, AIII, MD,Tech4SDG Alliance, SG Secretary-General





Announcement on the Establishment of Tech4SDG Singapore Chapter




Professor Gu Qingyang, Chairman of Tech4SDG and Associate Professor from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) at the National University of Singapore and Dr. James Ong, the Singapore Secretary-General of Tech4SDG and the founder and MD of AIII announced the establishment of Tech4SDG in Singapore. 






Tech4SDG Chairman Professor Gu shared more information on the founding organizations and also, the current list of participating members.





As Tech4SDG Singapore Secretary General, Dr. James Ong shared the 3 areas of focus in the coming years:


(1) Multilateral Ecosystem for Thought Leadership, Dialogue and Collective Actions


(2) Impact Tech Ventures


(3) Tech for“Tech for Good”











At the same time, Dr. James Ong is very proud to announce the release of two research outputs of the Tech4SDG contributed by key members of the alliance:. They are:


(1)"Digital Transformation Facilitating Balanced Development in Asia - Report on Technology for Sustainable Development in Asia (2022-2023)" (English version) 


(2) "Metaverse: The New Economic Road in Asia-Pacific" (English version)


These reports can be downloaded from the website:











Tech4SDG members were invited on stage for group photos including AIII, SMU Academy and RIMAS





Ecosystem Progress Announcement 



AI4Good Education by SMU Academy, Risk and Insurance Management Association of Singapore (RIMAS) and Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII)


“AI向善”教育课程发布 - SMU新加坡管理大学 x RIMAS新加坡风险与保险管理协会 x AIII人工智能国际研究院



Mr. Jack Lim, SMU Academy Executive Director





Mr. Andeed Ma, RIMAS President







Mr. Jack Lim of SMU Academy and Mr. Andeed Ma shared the stage to share their aspirations that education and skill-building can make a difference in enhancing the use of AI technology in more responsible and sustainable ways. 


Under the AI4Good Education initiative, the partnership between SMU Academy, AIII and Risk and Insurance Management Association of Singapore (RIMAS) to launch Advanced Certificate in Sustainable AI for Business is to equip working professionals with the knowledge and skillsets to ensure AI is sustainable from the business perspective. 


SMU新加坡管理大学林立杰先生和RIMAS新加坡风险与保险管理协会馬誠蔚先生同台分享了他们的愿望,即教育和技能建设可以在以更负责任和可持续的方式加强人工智能技术的使用方面发挥作用。在AI4Good Education倡议下,SMU新加坡管理大学 、RIMAS新加坡风险与保险管理协会 和AIII人工智能国际研究院合作推出可持续商业人工智能高级证书,为在职专业人员提供知识和技能,以确保从商业角度来看人工智能是可持续的。



Dr. James Ong, Mr. Michael Low, Mr. Jack Lim and Mr. Andeed Ma took the stage with a group photo for the announcement


从左到右:翁家良先生、刘光明先生、林立杰先生、馬誠蔚先生 上台合影




Round Table Panel 





The topic of the roundtable panel is “Accelerating Cross-Border Dialogue towards Multilateral AI4Good Initiatives”and it is curated to initiate dialogue and with purpose of start a conversation about making it possible for multilateral organizations from different countries to work together on AI-related projects. 


A distinguished list of speakers who are already involved in AI4Good initiatives as follows:


1) Dr. Luo Zhen, ParityBit, CEO & Co-Founder


2) Mr. Andeed Ma, RIMAS President


3) Mr. Cai Yilun, SenseTime International, Solution Director


4) Dr. Uzair Javaid, BetterData, CEO & Founder 


Moderating the roundtable panel is Dr. James Ong from AIII, MD & Founder.




1) 罗震博士,翼方健数 CEO与联合创始人


2) 馬誠蔚先生,RIMAS新加坡风险与保险管理协会主席


3) 蔡易伦先生,商汤科技亚太业务事业群方案总监


4) Uzair Javaid博士,BetterData CEO与创始人



Dr. James Ong as moderator for the Roundtable Panel




Dr. James Ong opens the panel session by sharing his view that enabling AI4Good is a community effort that requires an ecosystem with multilateral stakeholders to come together and collaborate to make it happen. This could include stakeholders with different domain expertise from Industry, Education, Research, Investment, Applications and Governance (产学研投用治). The challenge becomes even harder when such multilateral collaboration is done cross border with different languages, cultures, priorities, business environment and regulations for different countries. The aim of this roundtable panel is to initiate the dialogue towards how to enable such multilateral cross-border collaboration towards AI4Good initiatives.





Dr. Luo Zhen advocating PET and Secure Computing Ecosystem towards AI4Good




Dr. Luo Zhen shared what his AI startup ParityBit is doing to provide Privacy-Enabled Technologies (PET) and how they have been developing and nurturing a securing computing platform and ecosystem to allow multiple AI technology providers to collaborate collectively to serve their market.





Mr. Andeed Ma articulating the important link between Risk Management with AI4Good




Mr. Andeed Ma shared what and how RIMAS (Risk and Insurance Management Association of Singapore) has fostered collaboration with their members from across different industry sectors to advocate on various areas of risk management with best practices, which one of the chapters was created to focus solely on AI Risk. He also shared how he has led the association to collaborate across border in other countries including Europe, Africa and China. 





Mr. Cai Yilun shared SenseTime’s principles, technology roadmap and contribution towards AI4Good




Mr. Cai Yilun shared some of the work SenseTime as the AI leader has advocated in terms of the 3 principles of Sustainable Development, Human-Centric and Controllable Technology and how they form their core values in expanding their AI business as well as new technology frontiers such as Metaverse. 


He also shared what SenseTime has contributed in enabling the multilateral cross-border partnership such as Tech4SDG Alliance for Asia so that institutions and experts across different countries in Asia could collaborate to enable various Tech4Good initiatives towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).





Dr. Uzair Javaid shared what Better Data’s goal to have AI4Good Impact


Uzair Javaid博士分享Better Data的目标如何实现人工智能向善的影响力


Dr. Uzair Javaid shared their young journey as an AI4Good start-up that focuses on using Generative AI technology to enable creation of synthetic data to ensure data privacy while harnessing the availability of data to create business values for AI applications. He also shared what are partners they will need as collaborators to help them in their young journey.


Uzair Javaid博士分享了他们作为AI4Good初创公司的发展旅程,该公司专注于使用生成式AI技术创建合成数据,以确保数据隐私,同时利用数据的可用性为AI应用程序创造商业价值。他还分享了他们在发展过程中需要什么样的合作伙伴来帮助他们。


Dr. James Ong wrapped up the the roundtable panel by encouraging all the panel speakers and their organisations as well as the institutions and individuals on the audience to reach out to each other to explore and seek help from each other in their efforts towards AI4Good.





Group Photo of the Roundtable Panel











Renee Tan, delivered the closing remarks and by welcoming and giving early notice to the audience to participate in World AI Conference (WAIC) 2023 in Shanghai, likely in July 2023 as well as SWITCH & AI Summit 2023 in Singapore, likely in October 2023.


陈薇妮女士致闭幕词,对嘉宾和观众表示再次欢迎和感谢!并提前预告和欢迎大家参加2023年7月在上海举行的世界人工智能大会(WAIC),以及2023年在新加坡举行的SWITCH & AI峰会(预计在2023年10月)。




Highlights · 论坛花絮


A. Behind the Scene 





Wonderful to see our speakers interacting before the event and then, networking with audience after the event.




B. Appreciation with Good Memories for our Speakers





As token of appreciation, each speaker is presented with the Echeveria Rosea plant that signifies tenacity, persistence & strength, which is aligned with Resilience for Sustainable AI. The red pot symbolises luck, joy, and happiness in the chinese culture & it's also the colour for SWITCH. We hope our speakers will have sweet memories for participating in this event.


为表感谢,每位嘉宾都被赠送象征坚韧、坚持和力量的Echeveria Rosea石莲花属多肉植物,这与可持续人工智能的特性相一致。花盆的红色在中国文化中象征着幸运、欢乐和幸福,这也是SWITCH的颜色。我们希望我们的嘉宾在参加这个活动的过程中有着美好的回忆。



C. Come Together for Common Aspirations


强强联手 合作共赢



At the end, it is very satisfying with the collective efforts and contributions by the working team and the speakers to put this event together for the good cause of advocating AI4Good!




新加坡科技创新周(Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology ,简称SWITCH)已连续七年在新加坡举办,是亚洲首屈一指的科技创新盛会,汇集了来自全球-亚洲创新生态系统的领导者、企业家、创造者和投资者。


世界人工智能大会(World Artificial Intelligence Conference,简称WAIC)已连续五年在上海成功举办,成为联结全球人工智能发展最具影响力的专业化、国际化高端交流合作平台,汇集了全球人工智能领域最具影响力的科学家、企业家、政府人士和相关国际组织人士。