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活动回顾 | 2024年3月26日科技星期二分享会:在生成式人工智能时代充分利用中国-新加坡-东盟合作的协同效应


Harnessing Singapore-China-ASEAN synergies 


in the Generative AI Era






On 26 March 2024, SingCham Shanghai held the 19th edition of our signature Tech Tuesday event titled:Harnessing Singapore-China-ASEAN synergies in the Generative AI Era. The event featured a distinguished panel of 8 speakers representing diverse expertise and industry roles. This esteemed lineup included notable representatives from prominent technology firms (Microsoft, Nvidia and Google), as well as startups (Polyverse), legal firms (Dentons), venture capital (Ventech) and corporate entities (Bosch, HPC AI). With an impressive turnout of over 170 attendees, the event served as a premier platform for the convergence of technology, business, and innovation, facilitating insightful discussions and fostering collaboration among industry stakeholders.


2024 年 3 月 26 日,中国新加坡商会-上海举办了商会标志性论坛:第十九届“科技星期二”。本次论坛主题为:在生成式人工智能时代充分利用中国-新加坡-东盟合作的协同效应。此次活动汇聚了来自不同专业领域及行业的 8 位演讲嘉宾,分别是科技巨头(微软、英伟达和谷歌)、 初创企业(Polyverse)、法律服务机构(Dentons)、风险投资机构(Ventech)和科技公司 (博世、潞晨科技)的杰出人士。此次活动吸引了 170 余名参会者,众多专业人士的精彩分享以及与人工智能爱好者之间的积极互动,让论坛成为技术、商业和创新充分交流的平台。


Organizer: SingCham Shanghai


Co-Organizer: Shanghai Jiao Tong University eMBA、WAIC Circle、Tech4SDG、AIII


Support By: Singapore Global Network (SGN), Bridge+ BY Capitaland


Strategic Partners: BritCham Shanghai


Sponsor:Yeo Hiap Seng






支持单位:SGN新加坡全球联系司, 凯德置地腾飞奕桥







Amidst the rapid evolution of Generative AI and its expansive potential, both enterprises and individuals are strategically positioning themselves to harness its advancements. This raises crucial questions about the nature of this emerging wave of Generative AI exemplified by platforms such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Sora, among others, and its subsequent business implications. To what extent are enterprises and individuals aware of and prepared for the disruption that’s to come? What are the areas of synergies that China, Singapore and ASEAN businesses can collaborate for common prosperity? What are the governance, policies, regulations and ethical implications on the horizon? 


生成式人工智能迅猛发展日新月异,企业与个人都蓄势待发,踊跃参与这一技术变革。随着ChatGPT、Gemini、Sora 等生成式人工智能的崛起,它们对不同业务场景都产生了深远影响,这些变化和影响都已成为业界关注的焦点。同时,中国、新加坡和东盟的企业都在积极探索这一领域的合作,期待实现互惠共荣。需要注意的是,这场技术变革同时也带来了监管、政策、法规和伦理等方面新的挑战。



SingCham Shanghai Vice-Chairman and Secretary General Mr. William Chang delivered the opening address, expressing pride in SingCham Shanghai's overarching vision. He underscored the organization's commitment to fostering cross-cultural exchanges, nurturing a vibrant Singaporean community within Shanghai, and providing an invaluable platform for fostering meaningful business connections. Events such as Tech Tuesday are meticulously organized with the primary objective of fostering cohesion and connectivity among communities. 





SingCham Shanghai Vice-Chairman and Secretary General Mr. William Chang 


中国新加坡商会-上海副会长兼秘书长 曾广仁先生



Dr. James Ong, Head of SingCham Technology and Innovation Group and Founder of AIII, then formally introduced the Tech Tuesday series, highlighting its primary objective of fostering technology and innovation learning, exchange, and collaboration. Additionally, Dr. Ong expressed his sincere appreciation towards our co-organisers, sponsors, supporting organizations and community partners for their invaluable contributions and support. 


中国新加坡商会科技与创新工作组组长及AIII人工智能国际研究院创始人兼院长翁家良博士随后介绍了 “科技星期二”系列活动,强调了其主要目标是推动技术与创新的学习、交流和合作。他还对协办机构、赞助商、支持组织和生态合作伙伴的宝贵贡献和支持表示衷心感谢。



Dr. James Ong,  Head of SingCham Technology and Innovation Working Group



It's worth noting that one of the co-organizers, WAIC Circle (World Artificial Intelligence Conference), has successfully held six sessions since its establishment in 2018, gradually growing into the most influential industry event in the global artificial intelligence field. The World Artificial Intelligence Conference brings together top scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials, experts, scholars, international organizations, investors, and start-up teams, providing a world-class platform for cooperation and exchange, including renowned figures such as Jack Ma and Elon Musk, promoting international exchange and cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence.


值得关注的是,协办方之一WAIC Circle(世界人工智能大会),自2018年创办以来已成功举办六届,逐步成长为全球人工智能领域最具影响力的行业盛会。世界人工智能大会汇聚世界顶级科学家、企业家、政府官员、专家学者、国际组织、投资人、初创团队等,搭建世界级合作交流平台,包括马云和埃隆·马斯克等知名人士,促进了人工智能领域的国际交流和合作。




WAIC 2024 will be held from July 4th to 6th in Shanghai




One of the co-organizers is Tech4SDG, as an independent non-governmental non-profit organization, the Alliance aims to mobilize widespread participation by relevant society stakeholders in Asia’s sustainable development through creating links between industry, education, and research in order to (i) promote scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation; (ii) conduct research into scientific and technology ethics; (iii) formulate scientific and technological standards; (iv) carry out research with reference to case studies in the scientific and technological industry; (v) and make the results of the above publicly accessible.





Technology for Sustainable Development Goals Alliance for Asia(Tech4SDG)




The event transitioned into a series of in-depth presentations by representatives from Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, and Polyverse. Each speaker delivered a unique perspective and insights derived from their respective companies, enriching the audience's understanding of the evolving landscape of Generative AI and its multifaceted applications. 




Mr. Michael Zhang, the Sustainability Lead from Microsoft GCR and co-founder of China ESG Alliance, delivered a compelling presentation on the topic of "Accelerating Sustainability with AI". He began by elucidating Microsoft's steadfast dedication to the development of responsible climate solutions leveraging AI capabilities, underscoring the company's commitment to maximizing its societal impact. Mr. Zhang outlined a strategic approach, beginning with the identification of climate solutions, progressing towards the establishment of collaborative pathways with prominent climate adopters, and ultimately advocating for the widespread adoption of climate tech adaptations.


微软 GCR 的可持续发展负责人、China ESG Alliance的联合创始人,张强先生,以“可持续发展与人工智能”为主题发表了演讲。他详细阐述了微软如何通过人工智能开发可持续性的气候解决方案, 强调了公司致力于最大化影响力的决心。张先生还分享了一种战略方法,从确定气候解决方案开始,通过与领先气候采用者建立合作,最终推动气候技术的普及和应用。



Mr. Michael Zhang, Sustainability Lead from Microsoft GCR, co-founder of China ESG Alliance 


张强先生,微软 GCR 的可持续发展负责人,China ESG Alliance的联合创始人


Dr. Ming Li, general manager of China Smart Spaces at Nvidia, proceeded to discuss Nvidia NIM, a transformative advancement in Generative AI deployment. Drawing from his experiences at Nvidia, a leading provider of chips for AI software, Dr. Li commenced his presentation with a comprehensive overview of the significant stages in the evolution of AI. Subsequently, he delved into the prevailing challenges encountered by companies in their AI deployment initiatives, notably emphasizing the delicate balance between user-friendliness and data privacy. Dr. Li explained how Nvidia NIM, a cloud-native microservice tailored for optimized inference, effectively addresses this critical challenge by streamlining the deployment process, thereby reducing the engineering resources required for implementing optimized, accelerated models, all while ensuring full ownership and control of intellectual property.


随后,英伟达中国区公共服务行业总经理-李铭博士分享了英伟达 NIM的重大突破,这一创新在生成式人工智能部署中起到了关键作用。作为人工智能软件芯片领域的领军企业,李博士首先回顾了人工智能发展的重要历程。他深入剖析了企业在人工智能部署中面临的主要挑战,特别是如何在提升用户友好性的同时保障数据隐私。李博士进一步解释了英伟达NIM的云原生微服务如何通过简化部署流程来解决这一难题,不仅减少了实现优化和加速模型所需的工程资源,还确保了企业对其知识产权的完全所有权和控制。



Dr. Ming Li, General Manager of China Smart Spaces,Nvidia 




Next, Mr. Jay Ji, Senior Product Manager and Partner Innovation for APAC at Google, presented the latest advancements in Generative AI and their diverse applications. With a primary focus on product innovation, Mr. Ji introduced Google's Gemini platform, captivating the audience with the remarkable capabilities of Gemini 1.5 Pro. Notably, he showcased its ability to identify scenes from a 45-minute video clip based solely on a simple hand-drawn sketch. Mr. Ji proceeded to explore the extensive business opportunities enabled by Generative AI, spanning creative tools to various social and entertainment domains. Additionally, he provided an analysis of the Generative AI market across different regions, highlighting the highest number of downloads observed in the US and India. 


紧接着,谷歌亚太区高级产品经理兼合作伙伴创新负责人-吉程先生介绍了生成式人工智能的最新 进展及其应用。他从产品的角度向观众展示了谷歌Gemini 的强大功能。Gemini 1.5 Pro 凭借其卓越的技术突破,能够从一段45 分钟长的视频片段中准确识别出与简单手绘草图相匹配的场景,这一功能令观众大开眼界。吉先生还探讨了生成式人工智能带来的丰富商业机会,涉及创意 工具、社交和娱乐等多个领域。他分析了各地区生成式人工智能市场的现状,指出美国和印度是下载量最高的地区。



Mr. Jay Ji, Senior Product Manager and Partner Innovation for APAC, Google 





Gemini's ability to identify a scene from a video clip with a hand-drawn sketch Gemini 




Concluding the presentations, Ms. Queena Qiu, Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer of Polyverse, delivered an inspiring narrative detailing her journey navigating the digital frontier with AI. She illuminated her company's strategic approach in identifying a market gap, notably recognizing the inefficiency of an existing Generative AI application that required an astonishing 6-7 hours to generate a single picture. With agility and foresight, Polyverse capitalized on emerging Generative AI trends, swiftly addressing market needs. Drawing from her extensive experience in a global environment, Ms. Qiu articulated a steadfast belief in the importance of embracing global outreach. She shared Polyverse's ambitious vision to expand globally, particularly targeting the Southeast Asian market. 


最后,Polyverse联合创始人兼首席增长官邱子珺女士分享了她在 AI领域的探索经历。她详细 描述了如何敏锐地发现市场中的空缺,并深刻认识到当时生成式人工智能应用在图片生成方面存在的效率低下问题。凭借敏锐的洞察力和远见卓识,她迅速把握住了新兴生成式人工智能趋势,并准确找到了市场需求。邱女士从自身跨文化,跨国籍的成长经历中汲取智慧,强调了全球化拓展业务的重要性。她还分享了Polyverse的宏伟蓝图,特别是针对东南亚市场的扩张计划。



Ms. Queena Qiu, Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer of Polyverse 


邱子珺女士,Polyverse 联合创始人兼首席增长官


The insightful presentations were followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. James Ong, featuring professionals from diverse backgrounds offering unique perspectives from their respective domains. 





The panel discussed a wide range of topics ranging from the impact of generative AI on jobs in the speakers’ respective domains, the synergies to cross-border dealing amongst Singapore, China and ASEAN, and the risks that generative AI brings forth in their own industries. and gave the audience different perspectives stemming from their diverse background. 




Ms. Queena Qiu provided an optimistic view of AI, highlighting its potential to expand market sizes with examples such as AI-generated headshot photos. Ms. Queena Qiu also acknowledged the importance of advocating for ethical AI practices, as advocating for AI for good is essential in ensuring its positive impact on society. 





Ms. Queena Qiu, Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer of Polyverse 


邱子珺女士,Polyverse 联合创始人兼首席增长官


Mr. Samuel Tan addressed corporate risks related to AI, such as data privacy, intellectual property infringement in data training processes and the importance of a robust regulatory framework to manage such risks. 





Mr. Samuel Tan, Chief Information Officer of Robert Bosch China 




Mr. Lawson Du affirmed the benefits of generative AI, and shared examples of how generative AI has helped companies optimize their human resource practices. 





Mr. Lawson Du, Director of Sales & Marketing, HPC-AI Tech 




Mr. Pascal Jiang explored cross-border synergies between China and Singapore and shared how the cultural similarities was an important advantage that companies should leverage on for market access. 





Mr. Pascal Jiang, Partner of TMT Practice Group, Dacheng Shanghai Office 


江苗先生,TMT Practice Group 大成(上海)律师事务所合伙人


Mr. James Jin discussed cross-border synergies within China-Singapore-ASEAN as a value chain, illustrating how companies could leverage different markets for product refinement, testing and scalability. 





Mr. James Jin, Managing Partner of Ventech China 


金晨先生,Ventech China 管理合伙人


Following the panel discussion, Dr. James Ong facilitated an interactive session by inviting questions from the audience to glean insights from the esteemed speakers and panelists. 





The attendees grasped the opportunity to fire questions away at all nine industry experts. The questions covered the following areas of concern: 


1. The impact of geopolitical tensions on the AI industry and cross-border collaborations, as well as possible ways to circumvent 


2. Governance and legal issues, especially when it comes to cross-border data security and copyright issues 


3. Ways to control risk for AI products


4. Concerns about the inhibition of autonomy, where the AI takes over humans’ decision-making 


5. How we should prepare for AI; as an individual, an employee, a startup, an established corporate and a country




1. 地缘政治紧张局势对人工智能行业和跨境合作的影响,以及可能的规避方法 


2. 涉及跨境数据安全和版权纠纷的监管和法律问题 


3. 控制人工智能产品风险的方法


4. 对人工智能取代人类决策自主性产生的担忧 


5. 个人、员工、初创企业、成熟企业和国家应如何为人工智能做好准备?





The adage “Not knowing the risk is the biggest risk” holds significant relevance as we navigate into an era marked by unprecedented disruption and boundless possibilities. It is important for us to embrace uncertainties and cultivate a growth mindset to start exploring AI tools and stay updated on the developments in the AI space. It is also imperative for us to keep in mind ethical and legal boundaries while utilizing such tools to ensure their robustness and sustainability.


"对风险一无所知便是最大的风险"这句谚语在我们进入一个前所未有和无限可能的时代时具有重要的意义。我们必须拥抱不确定性,培养成长心态,开始探索人工智能工具,并随时了解人工智 能领域的最新发展。同样重要的是,在使用这些工具时,我们必须牢记道德和法律界限,以确保其稳健性和可持续性。



The event brought together industry professionals encompassing diverse backgrounds, ranging from startups to large corporations, across various sectors including legal, finance, and technology, to facilitate the integration of SingCham communities with affiliated tech ecosystems in China, Singapore, ASEAN, and beyond. We extend our sincere appreciation to all esteemed guests and participants for their invaluable contributions, and we look forward to continued collaboration in the future. 









This event is made possible by joint efforts of our SingCham Shanghai executive management team of William Chang, Catherine Thai, Jamie Yao and Sophia Zhang and our Technology & Innovation Working Group volunteers Dr James Ong and Mr Herman Loo, our co-organisers Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management, WAIC Circle, Tech4SDG, Artificial Intelligence Institute International, our sponsor Yeo Hiap Seng, our supporting organizations Singapore Global Network and CapitaLand Bridge+, as well as our ecosystem partners. 


我们衷心感谢中国新加坡商会-上海执行管理团队-曾广仁先生、戴萍萍女士、姚净萱女士和张菲女士、技术与创新工作组志愿者-翁家良博士和吕敏才先生、协办方-上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院、WAIC Circle、Tech4SDG、AIII人工智能国际研究院、赞助商-杨协成、支持机构-新加坡全球联系司、凯德奕桥,以及众多社区合作伙伴。





Supported by







Strategic Partner




Ecosystem Partners



Speaker Profiles / 演讲者简介:










About SingCham Shanghai Tech Tuesday





Tech Tuesday is a signature event series to foster technology and innovation exchange and collaboration. 




Our mission is to connect SingCham Shanghai members, affiliated communities and their invited friends in China, Singapore and globally, and to apply emerging technologies to their businesses and advance their personal career interests. 




Target Participants: With focus on practical industry use cases and experience, we cater for a diverse audience of participants including industry professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners, technologists and students to learn, share and network with each other to apply latest technologies to their work, their own businesses and startups or to advance their career interests. 


目标参与者:我们专注于分享实践中的行业使用案例和经验,满足不同的参与者,促进行业专业 人士、企业家和企业领袖、技术专家和学生的学习、分享和相互交流,并将最新的技术应用于他 们的工作、他们自己的企业和初创公司,或提升他们的职业兴趣。