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2022年10月28日,在新加坡举办的SWITCH x WAIC新中AI论坛上,商汤科技携手Tech4SDG联合发布了《元宇宙:亚太新经济之路(英文版)》白皮书,探讨了元宇宙如何促进亚太地区乃至全球经济新增长,以及如何在元宇宙时代构建可持续的数字经济发展新生态;同时报告也进一步展示了商汤科技作为领先的人工智能企业,如何赋能元宇宙产业在亚太地区的建设和发展。


October 28, 2022, Singapore – SenseTime today joined hands with Tech4SDG to release the White Paper “Metaverse: The New Economic Road in Asia Pacific” at SWITCH (Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology) x WAIC (World Artificial Intelligence Conference) 2022 held in Singapore. The White Paper addresses how artificial intelligence (AI) technology can boost new economic growth momentum globally and in Asia Pacific while also building an innovative and sustainable ecosystem in the emerging metaverse era. It further demonstrates how SenseTime empowers the construction and development of the metaverse with algorithms and computing power infrastructures. 











To learn more about metaverse opportunities in APAC and download the White Paper, please reply the keyword "20221028" or click "Read more" to download or browse official website of SenseTime.


白皮书由商汤智能产业研究院出品。白皮书指出,占世界人口60%的亚太地区国家更加重视对元宇宙相关产业的发展规划。麦肯锡预测,到2025年,亚太地区元宇宙投资规模将达到41.65亿美元,占全球投资总额的22.5%。Analysis Group发布的元宇宙报告也显示,截至2030年,元宇宙技术将为全球GDP贡献3万亿美元,其中三分之一将来自于亚太地区。基于权威数据预测,白皮书进一步测算得出,未来十年间元宇宙产业每投入1美元,将会为亚太地区带来3.16美元的经济增长,投资回报比超过3倍。



The White Paper, published by SenseTime's Intelligence Industry Research Institute, points out that Asia-Pacific (APAC) countries, which account for 60% of the world’s population, are paying more attention to industrial development planning related to the metaverse. According to estimates by McKinsey & Company, by 2025, metaverse-related investments will reach USD 4.165 billion in APAC, accounting for 22.5% of total global investments. The Analysis Group forecasts that in the next ten years, metaverse technology will contribute USD3 trillion to global GDP, one third of which will come from APAC. In other words, as discussed in the White Paper, every dollar invested in the metaverse industry will generate a 3-fold economic growth of $3.16 for APAC in the next ten years.






Key Infrastructure Preparedness Ensures the Metaverse’s Sustainable Development




作为领先的人工智能企业,商汤科技通过 SenseMARS 火星混合现实平台降低了世界各地的人们进入元宇宙的门槛。SenseMARS 平台开源开放的开发环境使得 AI、MR 等技术能够广泛应用于各行各业,从而加速了元宇宙产业的发展。白皮书展示了通过AI、MR技术实现沉浸式体验的案例,这些先行性经验是打开亚太地区及全球范围元宇宙创新探索之门的第一步。


The metaverse’s development centres on the infrastructure of intelligent engine, as well as the algorithms and computing power infrastructures. These infrastructures are the keys to making the metaverse “immersive, low friction and anywhere” along with generating rich and diverse digital content and immersive experiences that ultimately create economic values in both consumption and production sectors. 
As a leading AI software company, SenseTime lowers the threshold of entering the metaverse for people everywhere through the SenseMARS Mixed Reality Platform.  SenseMARS’ ease of use accelerates the development of the metaverse through AI, XR and other technical capabilities. The White Paper showcased applications that delivered exciting immersive experiences through virtuality-reality integration and that these experiences are the first steps to opening the gate of exploration in innovative metaverse scenarios in APAC and worldwide.



Immersive AR tour


商汤科技与沙特文旅赛事管理公司Sela合作,基于SenseMARS的AI、MR技术赋能中东利雅得季(Riyadh Season)活动,使其变成一场盛大的沉浸式文娱之旅。商谈科技为这场大型嘉年华提供了AR导航、AR主题路线、AR景点和AR营销四大功能模块,与当地景点相结合为游客打造身临其境的体验。通过AI+AR技术,参观者可以在虚拟和现实融合的世界中享受身临其境的互动游乐体验。

SenseTime transformed the 5-month Riyadh Season into a fest of mixed reality, providing AI business intelligence combined with local attractions for this large-scale carnival to create an immersive experience for tourists. Through AI + AR technologies, visitors enjoyed vivid AR views in a convergence of the virtual and physical worlds.







Digital human




SenseTime's Digital Human “Xiaotang” acts as a shopping guide in Guangzhou AEON Mall, helping customers with inquiry services, navigation, shopping guides and other services.







为满足用户创建个性化的虚拟化身需求,商汤科技与SNOW联手,在其推出的一款风靡全球的社交应用Zepeto上打造了第一个虚拟捏脸换装方案。用户可以通过拍照识别面部特征,并结合 AI 、AR技术,快速创建出与照片相似的虚拟形象作为基础,再针对面部轮廓和五官进行精细打磨,塑造自己独特的虚拟形象。


In order to meet user’s needs for creating virtual avatars, SenseTime has introduced AI technologies into Snow's avatar application Zepeto. By taking photos to identify facial characteristics and applying AI or augmented reality (AR) technology, users can quickly create a virtual avatar that mirrors the users.





AR-based Digital Content




SenseTime cooperated with Dunhuang Culture to jointly launch the digital collectible for Dunhuang Nine-colored Deer. The exhibit showed the touching legend of the Nine-colored Deer through integrating physical and virtual reality, endowing this traditional treasure with vibrant contemporary vitality.







The White Paper summarized that the development of metaverse requires a progressive process in order to move towards the ultimate goal of completely breaking the boundaries between reality and virtuality thereby allowing people to freely access and traverse the various scenarios in the metaverse. As we are entering the early stage of metaverse development, key factors such as technological advancement, ethical governance, privacy and data protection, integration of real and virtual economic systems, and organizational models of industry resources play vital roles. With continuous research and applications in exploring the metaverse, SenseTime is committed to supporting the industry to unleash the potential of innovative AI technology and further expand metaverse scenarios.












